Sermon Transcript – Broken Badly

Series A – Sixth Sunday After Pentecost – Sunday, July 09, 2023 | Pr. Chris Rosebrough

Welcome to the Teaching Ministry of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church. Kongsvinger is a beacon for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is located on the plains of Northwestern Minnesota.
We proclaim Christ and Him crucified for our sins and salvation by grace through faith alone, and now, here’s a message from Pastor Chris Rosebrough:
Intro bumper
Time StampTranscript
0:27The holy Gospel
0:29According to Saint Matthew the 11th
0:32thank you
0:38at that time Jesus declared I thank you
0:40Father Lord of Heaven and Earth that you
0:42have hidden these things from the wise
0:43and understanding and have revealed them
0:45to Little Children yes Father for such
0:47was your gracious will all things have
0:50been handed over to me by my father and
0:52no one knows the son except for the
0:54father and no one knows the father
0:55except the son and anyone to whom the
0:57son chooses to reveal him come to me all
1:00you who labor and are heavy laden and I
1:02will give you rest take my yoke upon you
1:05learn from me for I am gentle and lowly
1:07in heart and you will find rest for your
1:10souls for my yoke is easy and my burden
1:12is light this is the gospel of the Lord
1:15in the name of Jesus
1:17hear the words of Our Lord from our
1:19gospel text today come to me all you who
1:21labor and are heavy laden and I will
1:23give you rest boy what a mess this world
1:27is and I’m not talking about the world
1:29out there I’m talking about y’all here
1:31and myself included you’ll note that in
1:35our Romans text we get one of the most
1:37unflattering texts of all time one that
1:40I like to remind people describes the
1:42normal Christian life but if you’ve read
1:44theologians throughout the centuries
1:46throughout the Millennia a lot of people
1:49have a hard time with this particular
1:51text people like to sit there and go
1:54well as Christians the the whole the old
1:57is gone the new has come we are New
1:59Creations new creatures in Christ Jesus
2:01therefore Paul must be describing his
2:04life before he became a Christian
2:08bah humbug no way Jose
2:13this is exactly what Paul is describing
2:16his life as a Christian somebody who is
2:20a penitent believer in Jesus Christ and
2:23Romans 7 is not written in past tense
2:25it’s written in the present tense he’s
2:28describing himself at the time in which
2:30he penned this and this is nearing the
2:33end of his course not the beginning of
2:35it as a Christian and so we must
2:38consider these sobering words in fact
2:40let me give you a frame for this I think
2:43several of you know this I may have
2:45discussed it before but my wife you know
2:48Bad Company corrupts good character I
2:50think I keep making this point she’s
2:52introduced me to the TV Show Breaking
2:54Bad all right and what an absolute train
2:58wreck this television show is but as I
3:02Ponder each episode that gets worse I
3:06mean it is a descent into complete and
3:09utter lawlessness
3:12murder and drugs and just
3:16I think the name of the television show
3:19is wrongly named because here’s the
3:21fundamental assumption
3:22fundamental assumption main character
3:25guy by the name of Walter White and he’s
3:28your garden variety milk toast chemistry
3:31teacher at your local high school in
3:33Albuquerque New Mexico he’s working hard
3:36for the little money that he makes he
3:38happens to have lung cancer and he’s a
3:42good guy but because of weird
3:44circumstances and the difficulties of
3:46life and how things just kind of don’t
3:49work out have you ever noticed that we
3:50all have to toil at our work at Walter
3:53White has to toil not at one job but two
3:55jobs to make ends meet and one of them
3:57happens to be a car wash can you imagine
4:00working at a car wash right and so
4:02through these series of events weird
4:05things happen and next thing you know he
4:07becomes the best crystal meth cook in
4:09all of New Mexico in fact probably the
4:12United States and everything that goes
4:15along with being a drug lord then begins
4:17to come into his life and so people sit
4:20there and go the way the world thinks
4:21we’re basically looking good people
4:24who’ve made bad decisions which turned
4:26them into bad people
4:28hogwash okay Breaking Bad is wrongly
4:32named it breaking present active
4:35participle bad like somehow they’re now
4:38in the process of Breaking Bad wrong
4:40this is not Humanity it we are broken
4:44past tense badly
4:48good people don’t become bad people in
4:52this life except for Adam and Eve every
4:54one of us are bad people
4:58and that’s the point that the Apostle
5:00Paul is making and here’s the thing the
5:03corruption infects us all as I look back
5:07across the entirety of my life I’m I’m
5:10hitting that age where you’re supposed
5:12to reflect 55 right it’s it’s an age
5:14where you’re supposed to look back and
5:16kind of consider where you’ve been and
5:18maybe look at the short time that you
5:20have left to go and kind of make some
5:22decisions and you know and ruminate and
5:24think about this as I look back at the
5:2755 years previous there isn’t a good one
5:30there as far as morally is concerned
5:34you sit there and go well pastor this
5:36isn’t a good way for you to be speaking
5:38about yourself I mean after all you have
5:41been Faithfully married to your wife for
5:43over 30 years if you married your high
5:45school sweetheart you own a house you
5:47pay your taxes you have a truck you know
5:50and you you have a job as a pastor I
5:53mean as far as the American dream goes
5:55and how life is supposed to go in this
5:57life you are the epitome of successful
6:00you are a good person you are looking at
6:03the wrong standard if you think this
6:06the standard isn’t the American dream
6:09the standard is the holy law of God
6:14and when I look at my life in comparison
6:17to that standard
6:19there hasn’t been a moment of my life or
6:22yours where I’ve measured up
6:26and you know what
6:27we’re in good company
6:30because that’s exactly what the Apostle
6:32Paul is talking about himself
6:34he says we know that the law is
6:37I am of the flesh sold under sin present
6:42tense yes it is true that when you were
6:46baptized you were baptized and buried
6:48with Christ you were raised with Christ
6:50this is washing of regeneration this is
6:53absolutely true you’ve been filled with
6:55the holy spirit that is also absolutely
6:57true but the other reality is that you
7:01still have a sinful nature
7:03and it is corrupted and Jesus has no
7:06intention of taking your sinful
7:09corrupted nature and then making that
7:12better and perfect instead what he’s
7:15going to do with your sinful nature
7:17he’s gonna let you suffer the
7:20consequences the wages of sin which is
7:22death and we’re going to take your
7:24sinful flesh and we’re going to put it
7:26in a box and we’re going to bury it out
7:28here in the churchyard
7:30and then Christ is going to raise it
7:32from the dead Christianity is not about
7:35taking your sinful nature in this life
7:38and resuscitating it and making it
7:40bright and shiny that’s like polishing a
7:44dog turd that ain’t gonna work
7:48instead he’s got different things so
7:50here’s what Paul is describing he says I
7:52don’t even understand my own actions I
7:55do not do what I want but I do the very
7:57thing I hate I should go all Pentecostal
8:00on us at this point can I get a witness
8:02can I get an amen does this not sound
8:04like your daily existence right I don’t
8:07understand my own actions I don’t do
8:09what I want there I am in the morning
8:12before I wake up thinking about all the
8:14things that I’m going to accomplish
8:17but no no no no no no
8:20other things distract me and often to
8:23the procrastination weeds I wander right
8:25and the things that I the good that I
8:27intended to do is not the good that I
8:29accomplish in fact some pretty bad
8:31things so you’ll note I don’t do what I
8:33want I do the very things I hate now if
8:35I do what I do not want I agree with the
8:37law that it’s good yep the law is
8:39telling me I should be doing certain
8:40things and not doing others and do I
8:42listen to the law
8:46so now it is no longer I who do it but
8:48listen to what he says it is sin that
8:50dwells within me
8:54sin is a Corruption of our nature and
8:58you and I cannot
9:00cure it
9:03it’s impossible to cure I think about
9:06one of the most profound moments of my
9:08pastoral Ministry and That Was preparing
9:11Arlen’s sangram for his death
9:14and if you don’t know the details Arlen
9:16stangram really had a bad raging case of
9:20skin cancer and I got the phone call the
9:23text message from his daughter that the
9:25doctors had given him less than a couple
9:27of days to live that he was on his way
9:29out so we went to visit him in his
9:32nursing facility and yeah he looked
9:35terrible he absolutely looked terrible
9:37and he knew that the reason why we were
9:40there was to prepare him for death but
9:43bravely Arlen sangram said I I’m gonna
9:46beat this thing I’m I’m gonna get I’m
9:50gonna fix this all up you’ll see
9:53and I looked at Arlen and I said Arlen
9:56in the next 24 to 48 hours you’re going
9:59to be with Jesus and you’re going to be
10:01with Judy
10:02there’s no beaten this thing
10:05it’s the same with sin
10:07there is no beating it
10:10in this life
10:12you and I are sinful beyond measure it’s
10:16worse than you can possibly imagine it’s
10:20terminal you’re going to die from this
10:24so am I
10:26that’s how bad it is that’s what Paul is
10:28describing here he says I know that
10:30nothing good dwells in me that’s in my
10:32flesh I have the desire to do what’s
10:33right I don’t have the ability to carry
10:35it out
10:36I do not do the good that I want but the
10:39evil I do not want is what I keep on
10:41doing now if I do not do what I want it
10:44is no longer I who do it but it’s sin
10:46that dwells within me just like Arlen
10:49stingham what killed him skin cancer
10:51right that Corruption of his body
10:53brought him to an end think of sin like
10:56skin cancer we’ve all got it and at
10:58points at times we get really super
11:01symptomatic and things look really dire
11:03and eventually they will end in our
11:07so I find it to be a law Paul says that
11:09when I want to do right
11:12evil lies close at hand and here’s where
11:15I need to point this out when you want
11:17to do right evil lies close at hand Paul
11:20is not talking about the person in the
11:24blue state next to us
11:26right he’s not talking about the people
11:29who are celebrating the lgbtq XYZ
11:33Elemental P people in the in the major
11:35city closest to us
11:37he’s talking about your sinful nature
11:40your sinful flesh so I find it to be a
11:44law when I wanted to write evil lies
11:46close at hand it says close as
11:51for each of us
11:53for I Delight in the law of God and my
11:55inner being this is what the new man in
11:56Christ does
11:58but I see in my members another law
12:00Waging War against the law of my mind
12:02and making me captive to the law of sin
12:05that dwells in my members
12:07oh Wretched Man that I am present tense
12:12Paul does not say oh Wretched Man that I
12:17but Christ has given me Victory I’ve
12:20experienced breakthrough It Came Upon me
12:22suddenly and now I go from glory to
12:26glory to glory to glory
12:28the people who think this way are
12:30completely self-deceived you’ve heard of
12:33gaslighting right it’s a very popular
12:35phrase nowadays when somebody sees a
12:38person doing something terribly wrong
12:40and they say you’re doing that thing and
12:43they say no I’m not doing that thing
12:45you’re crazy I didn’t I what are you
12:47talking about there’s something wrong
12:48with you isn’t there right gaslighting
12:51right but when you think about it
12:53people who think that they are good
12:55people are not gaslighting others
12:58they’re gaslighting themselves
13:01they have the law of God written on
13:05their hearts and when they sin they know
13:08they’re doing wrong
13:10and what the law of God written in their
13:12heart says you just sinned you broke
13:13God’s law which you did is evil I did
13:15not I’m a good person what are you
13:16talking about here right
13:19in fact a good way to think about it I
13:22was talking with a friend of mine in the
13:25Pastoral Ministry listen to his sermon
13:27from last week in fact he had a good way
13:30of putting it he says we human beings
13:33need to get this through our heads
13:35it is impossible
13:37for us to break God’s law God’s law
13:40cannot be broken
13:41instead we break ourselves
13:45when we refuse to obey its commands
13:49it’s a good way to put it and here’s the
13:51thing we all do this because we have the
13:53sinful corruption in us going all the
13:55way back to Adam and Eve well some of
13:58the most tragic words written in all of
14:00the scriptures you remember in the
14:02beginning it says that Adam was created
14:04in the image of God but then later in
14:07the Book of Genesis it says that Adam’s
14:09children were born in his
14:14not the image of God
14:17oh Wretched Man that I am indeed
14:20who will deliver me from this body of
14:25I know a guy I know a guy yeah
14:28do you know anybody in your life like
14:30this somebody who like seems to know
14:32everybody okay whatever the problem is
14:35they know a person who can actually fix
14:37the problem so you call him up on the
14:39phone you say listen my dishwasher ain’t
14:41working right you know something’s wrong
14:42with it’s got this clanging sound and he
14:44says put your phone in there and then
14:45let me hear it so you put your phone in
14:47the dishwasher and he hears the sign I
14:49said I I
14:50I know a guy who can fix this okay and
14:5310 minutes later there’s a guy showing
14:54up at your house right and the guy’s
14:56crawling into your dishwasher and he
14:59finds the problem really quick fixes it
15:01and you say how much do I always says
15:03that it’s on me he knew a guy right
15:06well when it comes to who will deliver
15:08me from this body of death I know a guy
15:12and there’s only one guy
15:14and it’s Jesus Christ
15:16and is that not the whole point of Our
15:21Gospel text where he says come to me all
15:23you who are weary and heavy laden and I
15:25will give you rest because you’ll know
15:27we all know that something’s terribly
15:29wrong with us
15:31in fact one of the most tragic bits of
15:34Breaking Bad is watching all these
15:36people descend further and further into
15:38evil and there is not a single
15:41Absolution there isn’t a single
15:43confession of sin they have to live
15:45every day with the guilt of what they
15:47did the day before and looking forward
15:49to doing even worse this in the present
15:54and so we all know
15:56that what we have deserved because of
15:58our sin is the Eternal wrath of God in
16:01fact our Zechariah text wonderfully
16:04describes hell as the waterless pit I
16:08would note that if Lake of Fire would
16:10rightly be described as a waterless pit
16:13that’s a nice way of talking about it
16:15and you’ll note this is what we all
16:16deserve and we know it because the law
16:18of God in our hearts screaming at us
16:20that we’re guilty and so what do we do
16:22we want to fix the problem well the
16:25problem is sin I know if the problem is
16:28that I’m sin I just need to make myself
16:30holy so we go out and we apply ourselves
16:33to the latest self-help programs we we
16:36find out how to get our mental health
16:38properly balanced make sure that we’re
16:41buying the latest mushroom nootropics so
16:43that we can have a steady state in our
16:45mind and be productive and get things
16:47done we can look back and say hey look I
16:50used to weigh 260 pounds but look at me
16:53now I weigh 180 right oh wow look at the
16:56improve movement I’m Holier now than I
16:58was no you’re not
17:00no you’re not try that out on the day of
17:04just try it out okay well Jesus what do
17:08you mean I’m not good you’re not good
17:10you’ve broken my Commandments well don’t
17:13you remember back in the year 2023 I
17:17really applied myself and I lost 60 80
17:20pounds and and how much more productive
17:22I was at work try that out on Jesus and
17:25see how far that’s going to get you
17:28because we sin against God in thought
17:30word Deed by what we’ve done by what
17:33we’ve left undone oh it’s just absolute
17:35a complete train wreck morally for each
17:38and every one of us and by the way
17:40someone I can just hear somebody saying
17:41well Pastor Roseboro you’re making
17:43concession for sin no I’m not I’m
17:46exegeting a text that explains why you
17:48keep sinning
17:51so I know a guy who can fix all of this
17:53and that happens to be Jesus Christ
17:55which is the reason why Paul then in our
17:59text goes on to say who will deliver me
18:01from this body of death question mark
18:03will thanks be to God through Jesus
18:06Christ Our Lord
18:07thanks be to God
18:10it my life feels like I’m at war with
18:13myself every single day of my existence
18:15every single minute and second of my
18:18existence thanks be to God that’s right
18:19thanks be to God because Jesus is the
18:22solution to all of this so then I I
18:24myself I serve the law of God with my
18:26mind but with my flesh I serve the law
18:28of sin but there is therefore now no
18:33for those who are in Christ Jesus
18:36and here’s where the big turn is if you
18:39think that God is sitting up in heaven
18:41the Christ is sitting up there looking
18:43at his Apple watch going hmm just a few
18:46more hours before I get down there and
18:49I’m gonna really swing hard and finally
18:51once and for all deal with the sin I
18:53can’t wait to find those folks from
18:55Kong’s Winger Lutheran Church because
18:57they got something coming to them
19:03that’s not what Christ is like at all
19:07in fact that’s really the point of our
19:09Old Testament text the text that we’re
19:10familiar with because we’ve already
19:12heard it twice in the last 12 months we
19:15heard it Advent one we heard it Palm
19:18Sunday hear it again but here’s some of
19:21the extra details Rejoice greatly o
19:24Daughter of Zion
19:26shout aloud o daughter of Jerusalem
19:30behold your king is coming to you and
19:33here’s where where you’re tempted to
19:35have some anxiety the king is coming
19:37Jesus is coming oh he
19:39Jesus is coming you better look busy
19:41make sure that you’re you’re washing the
19:43dishes when he shows up that’s not the
19:45point of this
19:47he’s righteous
19:48and having salvation is he he is humble
19:52and mounted on a donkey on a cult the
19:54full of a donkey
19:56Jesus in his first Advent and in his
19:59coming and fulfilling this prophecy he
20:02rides into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
20:05heading to his crucifixion because he
20:08will be bearing your sin and mine in his
20:11body and he will suffer the wrath of God
20:14in your place and rather than somebody
20:16who is ambitious who is seeking power
20:20somebody who is deciding to take over
20:24Jesus is the opposite of that in fact
20:27there was a son of David who was
20:29ambitious and ambitious and his name was
20:31Absalom he didn’t ride around on a
20:34donkey what did he ride around on he
20:37rode around in a chariot with horses and
20:3950 men going before him saying bend the
20:42knee Absalom the son of the king Prince
20:45Absalom is here right and then his
20:47ambition brought him to the point where
20:49he attempted a coup against his father
20:51and tried to kill him in order to seize
20:54the throne Jesus isn’t anything like
20:58he comes into Jerusalem to shouts of
21:01hosannas palms and cloaks being strewn
21:04before him and people crying to God to
21:07God hosanna in the highest blessed is he
21:09who comes in the name of the Lord and
21:11Jesus doesn’t come on a war horse he
21:13comes humble
21:15because he’s come to lay down his life
21:18because he doesn’t desire
21:22your damnation or mind
21:25in fact scripture says it’s not God’s
21:27will that any should perish now it’s
21:29true that people do perish but it’s not
21:32the will for them God’s gracious will is
21:34that they would repent that they would
21:35be forgiven and Christ is born the load
21:38of their sin and has propitiated the
21:40wrath of God by being nailed to the
21:43cross and so it says then in Zechariah
21:46that I will cut off The Chariot from
21:49Ephraim the war horse from Jerusalem the
21:51battle bow shall be cut off and he shall
21:54speak peace to the Nations you’ll note
21:57that the way you get things done in this
21:59planet military action right you your
22:03military goes out and conquers and takes
22:05control uh yeah we lose peace for a
22:08little while during a time of war and
22:09and open conflict and hostility to
22:12achieve our objectives
22:15so that we can continue to prosper
22:19and you’ll note oftentimes our
22:20prosperity is at the destruction at
22:22somebody else’s Nation
22:25all of that will come to a close in the
22:28world that Christ is bringing when he
22:30returns there will be no more war
22:34we will take our weapons and beat them
22:36into plowshares which means I get to
22:38become a farmer of some type or another
22:40looking forward to it I keep pointing
22:42this out when Jesus comes back I’m out
22:44of a job all right what what good is a
22:48preacher of Christ in the word when you
22:50can look at him and ask him questions
22:51directly right he just cut the middle
22:54man out and that’s the point
22:57but you’ll note the war comes to an end
22:59in the world that Christ is bringing
23:02it’ll no longer be a world of ambition a
23:06world of taking and seizing control a
23:08world of destroying a world of putting
23:11people under your boot and subjecting
23:14them to your policies
23:18no it’ll be a place of Peace because
23:20that’s what Christ brings to all
23:22forgiven sinners peace the end of
23:26hostilities and Christ’s rule this rule
23:29of Peace will be from sea to Sea from
23:31River from the river to the ends of the
23:33Earth in fact it will cover the entire
23:35Earth it will not be a plot of land or a
23:38a jetty or a island or even you know
23:41anywhere where it is not the kingdom of
23:45but then listen to these words as for
23:48you also
23:51this peace that Christ brings our humble
23:54King who’s bled and died in our place
23:56this peace that he brings it’s also for
24:00you it’s for me
24:03it says this because of the blood of my
24:05Covenant with you I will set your
24:08prisoners free from the waterless pit
24:11what a beautiful sentence
24:13because of the blood of the Covenant
24:15with you I will set your prisoners free
24:18from the waterless pit when I hear those
24:19words the blood of the Cove my Covenant
24:21I hear the words of Christ in the words
24:25of institution right on the same night
24:29also he took the cup after supper and
24:30when he had given thanks he gave it to
24:32them saying drink of it all of you this
24:34cup is the New Covenant in my blood
24:36which is shed for you for the
24:38Forgiveness of sins
24:40and that’s the point the waterless pit
24:43is hell but because of the blood of the
24:45Covenant the shed blood of Christ The
24:48Humble King who humbles himself becomes
24:51obedient to the point of death even
24:53death on the cross for you and for me it
24:56is because of his blood that we the
24:59prisoners of Hell the prisoners of the
25:01waterless pit that we hear these amazing
25:05words unexpected words words that give
25:08us hope and joy I will set you free
25:12and indeed we are set free in Christ
25:16so return to your stronghold o prisoners
25:19of Hope
25:21what a great title
25:24right now I’m a prisoner
25:28prisoner sin still dwells in my body and
25:31sin of slavery but I’m a Prisoner of
25:33Hope and so are you a hope of being
25:36finally released from sin death and the
25:38devil permanently in a World Without End
25:40all given to me is a gift because of the
25:43great love kindness and mercy of Jesus
25:46Christ I don’t even have to work for it
25:48neither do you and that’s the point so
25:51are you tired of trying to make yourself
25:53good before God
25:55trying to earn his favor and those
25:58brownie points so that you can succeed
26:00and do well on the day of judgment put
26:03it all away
26:06because you’re just wearing yourself out
26:09Jesus says these words come to me all
26:11you who labor and are heavy laid and I
26:13will give you rest
26:15and indeed he does
26:17take my yoke upon you learn from me for
26:19I am gentle
26:21and I am lowly in heart
26:23and you will find rest for your souls
26:26I cannot wait
26:27and in the meantime we have his yoke
26:31which is easy the Yoke of his word law
26:34and gospel sin and Grace repentance and
26:37the Forgiveness of sins but aside from
26:39that we also have the great promise that
26:42we are indwelt now by the Holy Spirit
26:43who gives us the strength to daily rise
26:46and do our good works and to mortify our
26:48sinful flesh we’ll talk more about that
26:51next week
26:53so are you tired
26:55are you heavy laden
26:57do you desire rest
27:00gives it to you in abundance and note
27:02this is his ambition our humble King his
27:05ambition to forgive you to bring to you
27:08peace to give you rest and all of this
27:13because of his great love his mercy and
27:15his shed Blood on the cross the blood of
27:18the Covenant that sets you and I free
27:20from the waterless pit in the name of
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