Sermon Transcript – By Faith We Preach The Gospel

Series A – Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost – Sunday, September 24, 2023 | Pr. Chris Rosebrough

Welcome to the Teaching Ministry of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church. Kongsvinger is a beacon for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is located on the plains of Northwestern Minnesota.
We proclaim Christ and Him crucified for our sins and salvation by grace through faith alone, and now, here’s a message from Pastor Chris Rosebrough:
Intro bumper
Time StampTranscript
0:22The holy Gospel
0:29According to Saint Matthew the 20th chapter foreign
0:38Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his
0:45Vineyard after agreeing with the laborers for a Denarius a day he sent them into his Vineyard and going out
0:50about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace and to them he said you go into the vineyard
0:57too and whatever is right I will give you so they went going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour he did
1:03the same and about the 11th hour he went out and found the others standing and he said to them why do you stand here idle
1:11all day they said to him because no one’s hired us he said to them you go into the vineyard too and when the
1:16evening came the owner of the vineyard said to his Foreman call the laborers and pay them their wages beginning with
1:22the last up to the first and when those hired about the 11th Hour came each of them received a Denarius now when those
1:29hired first came they thought that they would receive more but each of them also received a Denarius
1:35receiving it they grumbled at the Master of the House saying these last worked
1:40only one hour and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and of the scorching heat but he
1:47replied to one of them friend I am doing you no wrong did you not agree with me for a Denarius take what belongs to you
1:55and go I choose to give to this last worker as I gave to you am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to
2:01me or do you begrudge my generosity so the last will be first and the first
2:07last this is the gospel of the Lord in the name of Jesus amen so a little bit of a note here Our
2:14Gospel text is an interesting one although I’m not preaching on it it’s important to note that people who have
2:20been Christians their entire lives are with equal status in the Kingdom of Christ with those who confess Jesus on
2:28their Death Beds there’s no such thing as super salvation right we are all
2:33equally saved by grace through faith whether we come to Christ early or late
2:38in life and you’ll note the expectation is that God is out there hiring workers
2:44right you’ll note that Christians are saved unto good works and here’s where
2:50we’re going to spend our time today we’re going to spend our time on our epistle text and I’m going to add the the missing verses again I’m lamenting
2:57making the move back to the three-year lectionary we’re going one year baby next year and probably not coming back
3:03just just saying because if I have to work this hard to fix the holes in the
3:08lectionary I’m just too lazy for that this is just too lazy so all of that
3:14being said in our epistle text you’ll note that the Apostle Paul is in prison in prison for
3:20what preaching the gospel we as Christians are admonished by Christ himself to expect persecution and
3:27suffering for preaching Christ now I would note Paul was legitimately in prison and if you are put in Facebook
3:34jail for speaking the word of truth that’s not quite the same however it is
3:40a form of persecution keep that in mind now if you were put in Facebook prison or Facebook jail for being an ornery
3:47person that’s on you right but if you were put in Facebook prison a Facebook
3:52jail for actually speaking biblical truth like saying things like well God creating a male and female there are
3:58only two genders well you’re being put in Facebook jail for the right reason but you shouldn’t sit there and go oh
4:05woe is me poor me right because you’ll note the Apostle Paul seems to have all kinds of joy and satisfaction and a
4:13positive outlook regarding his own Ministry despite the fact that he is in prison you can almost say he’s looking
4:20on the bright side of life and you can whistle along if you know the lyrics right but all of that being said
4:25consider the trajectory here the Apostle Paul was a fellow who well we’ll say had a bad start the first time he appears in
4:32scripture he is Saul of Tarsus and he is a mean ornery hater of Christians and
4:39denier of Jesus Christ and this is a man who is then humbled and you’ll note that he also murdered Christians that’s what
4:46that’s called that’s called Murder he murdered Christians for their confession of Christ and now near the end of his
4:52life he’s imprisoned for the very gospel that he moved against and so I would
4:58note there’s a clear invitation at the end of our epistle text and the invitation is for us to join in the same
5:08fight that Paul is in and here’s where we’re going to note that there is a there’s some angst within Christian
5:15Circle today and I hear it as I listen to Evangelical sermons as I listen to interviews of major Evangelical leaders
5:21but I experience this angst myself and maybe you have too and The Angst goes something like this I have sinned so
5:29badly or I have messed up my life so much there’s no way that Christ can use
5:36me right now this is a lie that we tell ourselves this is just absolutely not
5:44true in fact we are all invited to tell our friends and family members and
5:51neighbors of the good news of the Forgiveness of our sins this is something that we’re all invited into
5:58and we do it by faith knowing that Christ has forgiven us not of some of our sins the ones that are not so seedy
6:05but he’s forgiven us of all of our sins in fact the ones that you would be embarrassed if somebody found out about
6:11he’s forgiven us of all of them and so here we can see this trajectory of the Apostle Paul the murderer of Christians
6:18who now is in prison for his confession of faith and this is a consistent theme throughout scripture as I Was preparing
6:25for this particular sermon I was doing some research and doing some reading I’ve been reading Chad Bird’s book
6:32limping with God it’s a great story if you think about it that book limping with God wonderful exegetical look and
6:39he made a point that kind of caught my attention and I thought you know it fits well here and the point that he was
6:46making is that in the book of Hebrews the Great Hall of Faith passage right
6:52there are some amazing people from the Patriarchs of the Old Testament mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 the
6:59Great Hall of Faith passage and so you you can take in fact let me let’s read to you some of the highlights from this
7:07particular chapter by faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a
7:14place that he was to receive as an inheritance Sarah received power to
7:19conceive even when she was past the age since she considered him faithful who had promised and uh and so that that’s
7:27some those are some good highlights by faith Moses when he was born he was hidden for three months by his parents
7:33because they saw that the child was beautiful and that they were not afraid of the King zedict by Faith Moses when
7:41he was grown up refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter choosing rather to be mistreated with the people
7:47of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin man good highlights here by faith the
7:54people cross the Red Sea as on dry land land but the Egyptians when they attempted to do the same they were
8:01drowned and by faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days and by faith
8:08The Prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient because she had
8:13given friendly welcome to the spies that’s a good that’s a good dossier right so I know you don’t know this off
8:21the top of your head what does it say about Jacob if Jacob is mentioned in this text he
8:29absolutely is mentioned in this text and this is where we can kind of muse for a
8:34second here what should the author of Hebrews say about Jacob because Jacob
8:40when you look at the Old Testament is a guy who is at best could be described as
8:45sketchy right sketchy all right this is a fellow when he’s born he’s a twin his
8:51brother Esau is born first and he’s born grabbing onto the heel of his brother
8:56which is where he gets the Hebrew word named yahov for he’s the heel Grabber which has the implication that he’s the
9:03deceiver right so should we say should the author of Hebrews said by faith
9:08Jacob convinced his brother to sell his Birthright for a bowl of soup
9:15that wouldn’t write fit would it no um I know I know by faith Jacob he
9:22dressed as his brother and deceived his father and stole his brother’s blessing
9:27that was that fit ah no okay
9:34um by faith he fathered children with a wife who was hard to look at and he
9:39didn’t even want to marry and from Hurricane Judah
9:45no that doesn’t fit either okay so you’re going to note here what the author of Hebrews is doing is
9:52pointing us to the very end of Jacob’s life when the ark is kind of complete the
9:59deceiver has now gone through all the suffering and it says this about him in
10:05the book of Hebrews chapter 11 verse 21 by faith Jacob when dying blessed each
10:12of the sons of Joseph Bowing in worship over the head of his staff
10:18now at first reading that doesn’t sound very impressive by faith he blessed each of the sons of
10:25Joseph by faith he’d blessed the sons of Joseph but then when you turn back and you look
10:33at the text that this is referencing it’s in Genesis chapter 48. Genesis 48
10:38starting at verse 15. and a little bit Hebrew helps us here but I’m going to
10:43note here’s what it says Jacob blessed Joseph and he said the god
10:51before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked the God who has been my shepherd
10:57all my life long to this day the angel who has redeemed me from all evil may he
11:06bless the boys and in them let my name be carried on and the name of my
11:11father’s Abraham and Isaac and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the Earth now that doesn’t sound very
11:18impressive but there’s some details here we need to pay attention to number one note that that the blessing begins with
11:25the god before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked the God who has been my shepherd so here Jacob is invoking God
11:34but then he goes on and says the angel who has redeemed me from all evil that’s
11:39two right and he’s referring to the angel of the Lord who has appeared to
11:45him this is the one whom he wrestled with right is that two characters or is
11:51it one well Martin Luther notes that the person the Theologian who airs in
11:57grammar is going to necessarily air in Theology and it’s very interesting because here
12:03Jacob says may he bless the boys not
12:09they he doesn’t say God and the angel may they bless the boys he says may God the
12:17angel may he bless the boys and he’s referencing the fact that it was the
12:23angel of the Lord who had redeemed him from all evil
12:28that being said what we can say definitively when we do a little bit of
12:34digging is that the author of Hebrews here is saying by faith Jacob when he
12:39blessed each of the sons of Joseph he preached the gospel to them
12:47and what an amazing thing and it’s there in the words may he bless the one who
12:53has redeemed me from all evil and here’s where we must just pause for a second
13:01the same God the same Angel of the Lord who redeemed Jacob forgave him all of
13:09his sins and blessed him is the same one Jesus Christ God in human flesh who is
13:15redeemed each and every one of us purchased Us From Slavery with his own blood and redeemed us from all evil
13:23including the evil that we have participated in all of it that being the
13:28case we then should have confidence confidence of our forgiveness confidence
13:33of our Grace and you’re going to note then we’re also humbled humbled because we recognize that not a single one of us
13:41can stand before God in our own good works because we are all part of that
13:46Motley Crew known as the ungodly whom Christ has bled and died for
13:52and if Jacob can preach the gospel by faith which is the whole point of his
13:59mention in Hebrews 11 we also can preach the gospel by faith and no one is
14:07disqualified as a Christian from doing so right so if you have been called into
14:13Christ’s Vineyard you are redeemed in Christ what does it say in Scripture that Ephesians 2 8 9 and 10 that we are
14:21saved by grace through faith this is not your own doing it is the gift of God so that no one may boast for we are God’s
14:28workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works and so in our Parable today
14:35Jesus is Calling all kinds of people regardless of how late in life it is calling them all into his Vineyard to
14:42the good works that he has called them to some to Bear the brunt of the heat of the day and to labor for hour upon hour
14:48others to labor for just a short time before they see Christ in Glory but all
14:54of us are called in Christ to good works and it is ultimately the best good work to share the good news of the
15:00Forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ so that others can come and join us in the
15:05vineyard in sharing the gospel and so that’s really kind of the point of where Paul is going and so he says in our
15:12epistle text today I want you to know brothers that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel
15:20look at that Paul’s in prison for the gospel and he’s not able to do any more
15:25missionary Journeys he’s not even going to get out of prison before he’s had his has his head taken off his shoulders but
15:31he says what’s happened to me has served to advance the gospel and he goes on to explain how
15:37so that it has become known throughout the whole Imperial Guard and to all the
15:43rest that my imprisonment is for Christ you can kind of think of it this way if he were in prison today it’d be like
15:48saying I was imprisoned and now all of the Secret Service that protects the President they all now have heard the
15:54gospel because guess who Paul is talking about while he’s imprisoned right and
15:59most of the brothers having been confident in the Lord by my imprisonment are much more bold to speak the word
16:07word without fear where there was only one preacher now there are many they are
16:13emboldened by Paul’s arrest and then he goes on to talk and this is the part that’s left out in the lectionary he
16:19goes on to talk about how some people are actually preaching Christ with bad motives that happens by the way this is
16:26what he says some indeed they preach Christ from envy and rivalry but others
16:31they do so from Good Will so you got some people out there who are envious of Paul trying to interrupt trouble against
16:38Paul and make his life miserable to how are they doing it they’re going out and saying Jesus died for your sins
16:46and that’s supposed to get Paul into more trouble right but you’re going to note here Paul
16:52doesn’t care what their motive is and so he goes on to say the latter they do it out of love
16:59knowing that I am put here for the defense of the Gospel the former they Proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition
17:04not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in prison in my imprisonment so what
17:10then only that in every way whether in pretense or in truth Christ is proclaimed and in that I Rejoice right
17:18on you’ll note that in our day there are some folks who are very selfishly ambitious and the reason why they preach
17:24Christ is so that they can build a big platform for themselves and have all kinds of people pay them all kinds of
17:30money and stuff like this they exploit people and yet at the end of the day some of these folks actually preach the
17:35gospel from time to time and for that we can Rejoice the rest we can’t but you
17:40get the idea here and I would note that Christ doesn’t sit there in heaven and go well I know that you heard the gospel
17:48from that really low down scumbag TBN preacher so I’m not going to give you
17:53faith he doesn’t do that even if the low down scumbag TBN preacher preaches the gospel
17:59guess what that gospel has the power of God to bring some to Salvation And so I
18:06will note that some of the people that we serve have gotten their start in Christianity with some pretty sketchy
18:13false teachers but yet they heard the gospel and after hearing the gospel and
18:18growing in their understanding of scripture they couldn’t remain under the false teacher but yet they got their
18:23start hearing the gospel from somebody who was false right Paul goes on to they say this yes I will
18:30rejoice I know that through your prayers and the help of the spirit of Jesus Christ that this will all turn out for
18:36my Deliverance now we know that this doesn’t turn out by it for his physical Deliverance Paul is going to end up dead before he gets out of prison
18:44um but here’s the thing he’s not lying he’s not lying because for each and
18:50every one of us as Christians whether we if we were put in prison whether we get out of prison or we die a martyr’s death
18:56like Paul did we eventually are delivered we’re delivered from this veil of Tears we’re delivered from this world
19:03of sin we’re delivered from our own sinful flesh and finally are able to be with Christ and so that’s what Paul is
19:10getting at here he’s going to be delivered no matter what he says as it is my eager expectation and hope that I
19:16will not at all be ashamed but that with full courage now as always Christ will
19:21be honored in my body whether by life or by death and he recognizes that even
19:29if he is required to lay down his life for his confession of faith in Christ that that is an honor for Christ Christ
19:37is honored in his death whether he gets out or is martyred Christ is honored for
19:42to me to live is Christ to die is gain if I am to live in the flesh that means
19:50fruitful labor for me yet which shall I choose I cannot tell I’m hard-pressed
19:55between the two my desires to depart and to be with Christ but that is far better indeed it is but to remain in the flesh
20:01is more necessary on your account convinced of this I know that I will remain and continue with you all for
20:07your progress and joy in the faith so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus because of my
20:13coming to you again and then he gets to an exhortation an admonishment for us Christians that
20:20applies not only to the church the Christians in the Church of Philippi but apply to each and every one of us only
20:26let your manner of Life be worthy of the gospel of Christ notice here Paul
20:33doesn’t say let your manner of Life be worthy of the Ten Commandments that’s the law that’s the thing that commend
20:39that condemns us and you’ll note the law serves its function perfectly when you
20:44we are convicted of our sin and recognize that we have fallen way short of the glory of God and we cry out to
20:52God in Mercy and so Paul doesn’t says let your life be worthy of the law he says let your life be worthy of the
20:59Gospel of the Forgiveness of sins so that whether I come and see you or am absent I may hear of you that you are
21:06standing firm in one Spirit that’s holy spirit that spirit that teaches us to
21:14forgive each each other to love one another to honor each other to consider
21:20others as better than ourselves that when we come together we are here for the same reason to receive from Christ
21:27the Forgiveness of our sins to hear his word to Feast on his body and blood and
21:33to offer up our prayers to God in one Spirit calling out to him to meet our
21:38needs you see living a life that’s worthy of the Gospel is one that is not
21:43worthy of judgment but worthy of Grace you see the difference between the two
21:49so standing firm in one spirit with one mind striving side by side for the faith
21:57of the gospel and there it is again where does he put the emphasis not on the law but on the gospel and the
22:02Forgiveness of sins and then not frightened in anything by your opponents now I understand that the world we’re
22:09living in it’s going crazy it’s Bonkers out there and getting Bonkers is that a
22:14word right it’s getting more Bonkers there we go okay it’s absolutely lose
22:20the world’s losing its mind I mean we’re headed for a collision somewhere along the line and I don’t know if outright
22:28physical persecution of Christians is just around the corner or if it’s a
22:33generation away but the one thing I can say it’s coming it’s coming down the track you can hear it it’s on the tracks
22:40already heading our way but the whistle sounds like it’s a little far off but it’s still barreling down the tracks all
22:46of that being said when it shows up what are we as Christians to do
22:53Paul says don’t be frightened in anything by your opponents so when your opponent screams in your
22:59face how dare you tell me I’m a sinner if you keep this up we’re gonna remove
23:05you from being able to participate in the economy and you and your whole family are going to die of starvation
23:12your responses oh
23:18uh-huh really having no fear of their threats and note
23:24what Paul says that when we respond without fear to any of the threats of our opponents that
23:31this then is a clear sign to them of their destruction
23:38they’re going to threaten us and we’re going to go okay whatever and they’re inside gonna go oh
23:44this isn’t going the way I thought it would why because we’re we know who our
23:50God is we know that we are forgiven in Christ we know that we have been given
23:55the kingdom by grace through faith we know that when Jesus returns he’s going to return in glory to judge the living
24:01and the dead and all of these people who are persecuting us refusing to hear the word of Christ refusing to repent and
24:08threatening us with all kinds of harm of Body Soul and Spirit they are going to
24:14be the ones who are going to face Christ and explain all of that to him we are going to be in a different
24:19situation altogether so you’re going to note then Paul says this it has been granted to you that for
24:29the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his
24:35sake what an interesting word that’s an interesting verb granted okay we think of the word granted right we’ve applied
24:43for something important right we’ve applied for a mortgage right we’ve applied for a new job we’ve applied for
24:50a a a a different position in our company where we’re hoping that we’re
24:55going the things are going to go in our favor we’re going to get the things that we’ve applied for and when we do or if
25:02we do we will see that as being a benefit a bonus a plus I got that
25:08mortgage we were able to buy the house I got the raise at work they promoted me I
25:14got that new job and now we’re able to do this that and the thing and we all know that when those things happen we’ve
25:20been granted those things do we say the same thing when we are
25:26made to suffer for Christ I have been granted to suffer yes yeah
25:34nobody talks this way right but I would point to you this very
25:39important historical fact recorded for us in the book of Acts that when Christ’s apostles were first beaten
25:48and when they first shed their blood or had it shed on account of their
25:53confession of Christ they didn’t come out whimpering and going oh woe is me
26:00I’m in so much pain does anybody have any penicillin oh darn it’s not going to be invented for 1900 more years no they
26:08didn’t they didn’t say does anybody have any pain relievers no when they have had their blood shed for
26:14the first time and were beaten and scourged they left rejoicing
26:20that they were counted Worthy to suffer
26:25shame and dishonor for the name of Christ
26:31huh so you get a note here Paul writing from
26:37prison is inviting you to join him and should you join him then we should
26:43see it for what it is the ultimate honor for Christ and that when and if we ever
26:50suffer in this way it has been something that we have been granted to do by the
26:55grace of God and so we should suffer well
27:01it has been granted to you for the sake of Christ that not only should you believe in him not only should you be
27:06forgiven but has also been granted to you that you also will suffer for his sake because you and I are engaged in
27:13the same conflict that the Apostle Paul was engaged in in fact that’s the point that he makes
27:19engaged in the same conflict you saw that I had and now here that I still have in fact a good way to think of it
27:26is this way is that the world’s longest war the longest war in all of human history began when the Garden of Eden
27:35proudly before that it began up in the Heavenly realm when Satan convinced a third of the angels to rebel against God
27:42and they were ultimately cast out of heaven and you’ll note that that Rebellion that war continues to wage for
27:49this day we are only the latest generation of people who have been raised up in this conflict by Christ we
27:56who were born Rebel Sinners we who are Unworthy of anything good from Christ
28:01have been made worthy forgiven of all of our sins and get put into the vineyard
28:07to do good works and we are also soldiers who engage in the same conflict so brothers and sisters note this then I
28:15understand that it’s easy to think that you’re not worthy at all to be used by
28:21Christ for anything but if Christ couldn’t use Sinners then he wouldn’t be able to use anybody and so since that’s
28:28all he has to work with note this that you are forgiven and here again the words of the Apostle Peter from First
28:35Peter chapter 2. he says of us you are a chosen race
28:40you are a royal priesthood you are a holy nation and you are a
28:45people for Christ’s own possession so that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of Darkness
28:51Into His Marvelous Light once you were not a people but now you are God’s people once you had not received Mercy
28:58but now you have received Mercy you see Peter even agrees with the Apostle Paul
29:05we have been granted to participate in this conflict and by Faith Like Jacob week two can preach the gospel is it any
29:12Wonder then that Isaiah gives us very words that we can preach words I’ve
29:18heard preached in the context of evangelism take it to heart consider it here again the words of our Old
29:24Testament text seek Yahweh while he may be found today is the day of salvation
29:32when Jesus returns in glory to judge the living and the dead it will no longer be the day of Grace it’ll no longer be the
29:38day of salvation it’ll be the day of judgment all the grace comes to an end the grace that has been extended by God
29:45the Father through Christ shed Blood on the cross to each of us Rebel Sinners comes to an end either upon your death
29:53or the return of Jesus so if you are hearing my voice today today is the day
29:58that Yahweh may be found and today is the day that he has promised to be near
30:03to us in fact Christ says we’re two or more gathered he is present Among Us so
30:09Christ is here today he is as near as near gets in fact so near today we will
30:15have the Lord’s supper and he will be in your mouth and in your stomach and on
30:21your lips there to forgive you of all of your sins call upon Christ while he is near so let the wicked forsake his ways
30:29let the unrighteous man his unright just thoughts and let him return to Yahweh so
30:35that he may have compassion on him and that’s the point God does it’s always an
30:41anxiety causing thing to recognize that we have messed up that we have
30:48transgressed God’s law it is a horribly difficult thing to say I am guilty I
30:54have sinned because we fear that God’s going to say yep that’s right it’s about time you figured it out and then off to
31:01hell with you right but no the scriptures are clear that God makes us sinners through his law so that
31:08he can give us Grace through Christ so let him return to Yahweh
31:16so Yahweh might have compassion on him and to our God for he will abundantly
31:22pardon for God’s thoughts are not our thoughts his ways are not our ways in fact that’s the point that’s the scandal
31:28of Christianity real Sinners not hypothetical Sinners real Sinners are
31:33really forgiven of all of their sins it’s an absolute Scandal it’s a scandal
31:39that you’ve been forgiven in pardon it’s a scandal that I have been forgiven and pardoned by Christ I will continue to
31:45say it that when I arrive in the Heavenly Kingdom the tax collectors the
31:50prostitutes and all the low lives that have been forgiven by Christ are going to be up in arms going oh my goodness
31:56they’re even letting Rose grow in scraping the bottom of the barrel
32:03and that’s the point you see God has done this because his thoughts are not our thoughts in our
32:09thoughts we would say condemn that sinner to hell and how dare you God forgive him
32:15but when we do that we condemn ourselves to hell because God’s thoughts are not our
32:21thoughts his ways are not our ways as far as the heavens are higher than the earth or so are God’s thoughts higher
32:26than our ways and his thoughts than our thoughts and we thank God for these high thoughts of God where God has deigned to
32:34bring Salvation even to the most ungodly of sinners sinners like you and like me
32:41and so by grace and through faith then we also share this gospel message with
32:47others how could we not in the name of Jesus Amen
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