Sermon Transcript – pUtTiNg ThE pRoPEr eMpHaSiS oN tHe WrOnG SyLLaBLe!

1 Year Lectionary7th Sunday of EasterSunday, May 12, 2024 | Pr. Chris Rosebrough

Welcome to the Teaching Ministry of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church. Kongsvinger is a beacon for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is located on the plains of Northwestern Minnesota.
We proclaim Christ and Him crucified for our sins and salvation by grace through faith alone, and now, here’s a message from Pastor Chris Rosebrough:
Intro bumper
Time StampTranscript
0:22The holy Gospel
0:29According to St John chapters 15 and [Music]
0:4016 Jesus said when the helper comes whom I will send to you from the Father the
0:45spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father he will bear witness about me and
0:52you also will bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning I have said all these things to you to
0:58keep you from falling away they will put you out of the synagogues indeed the hour is coming when whoever
1:04kills you will think he is offering service to God and they will do these things because they have not known the
1:10father nor me but I have said these things to you that when their hour comes
1:15you rem you may remember that I told them to you this is the gospel of the Lord in the name of Jesus Amen now
1:23you’ve heard me say this phrase many a time probably if you’ve listened to me for any amount of time and that is the
1:29phrase putting the emphasis on the wrong cabel now I got to be honest I first heard that from Dr Rod rosenblad back in
1:36the days uh that I was attending Concordia University Irvine in fact uh
1:42the students of Dr Rosen blat often T often called phrases like this Rosen
1:47blat isms and what’s really funny is that there’s now people calling some of the phrases that I use rosebro isms
1:54which just means that Dr Rosen blat and others have paid it forward and uh and in the future when people steal these
2:00phrases of mine and make them their own may God curse them by having them named after them but you get the idea but the
2:07whole point behind that phrase is about mispronouncing the word emphasis and
2:13syllable because by doing that you mispronounce the word and thus you ER
2:19and so you’re going to note when we talk about God the Holy Spirit we live in an era Post isusa Street be that is well
2:27the church is heavily infected in all regards in all places and in all
2:33denominations heavily infected by false understandings of God the holy spirit
2:38that have as their Source the aberant Theology of the Pentecostals and the
2:43charismatics and now today’s New Apostolic Reformation they are always putting the emphasis on the Holy Spirit
2:51however listen carefully to The Words of Christ this is the night that he is going to be betrayed this is the night
2:57that he is going to be put on trial and when he wakes in the morning he will be crucified he has less than 24 hours to
3:05go to live on this planet and he is giving instructions to comfort his
3:11disciples and he is promising to send the Holy Spirit a few weeks back we looked at one of the aspects that Christ
3:18said that the Holy Spirit would come to fulfill the purpose of convicting us of our sin and our unbelief that’s one of
3:24the important works of the Holy Spirit but now Christ gets kind of to the nubbin if you would the Central core
3:31idea of why the Holy Spirit needs to come and when he says these words when
3:36the helper comes whom I will send to you from the Father the spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father he will bear
3:44witness about me so you’ll note we’re going to put the
3:51proper emphasis on the right syllables here and we’re going to note that
3:57scripture instructs us to to test the spirits even even Spirits claiming to be
4:05the Holy Spirit to see if they pass muster to see if they actually are truly
4:10the Holy Spirit or at worst a demonic Spirit listen carefully again to
4:16Christ’s words when the helper comes let me ask you guys a question we’re all familiar with having people who are
4:22helpers all right there are people who well they make enough money that they can afford professional helpers people
4:30who are helpers are they front and center are they the people that that
4:35everyone focuses in on no helpers usually work in the
4:41background helpers make it possible for the person in the foreground to do the things that he is doing and so you’ll
4:48note that the Holy Spirit Christ says is going to come as a helper helper to whom
4:55helper to the apostles helper to Christians and so that being the case
5:01the Holy Spirit comes as our Helper and there’s important things that the holy
5:07spirit is helping us to do because quite frankly uh we need good professional
5:12help when it comes to our lives and you’ll note that a helper that is worth his weight in gold is a helper who knows
5:19even more than the person he’s helping or she’s he’s she’s helping that uh that
5:26they that they know all the things that need to be taken place so often times we don’t even know what we don’t know that
5:32we should know that we don’t know but we don’t know that we need to know it okay do you understand what I’m saying or you
5:38guys just completely confused and you don’t know what I’m talking about but the point is is that a good helper knows all the things that we’re supposed to
5:44know that we don’t know and then helps us to achieve those things by saying oh I don’t know if you thought about this but there’s this other thing that you
5:50need to take care of and so you’ll not a good helper does those things and that’s exactly how the holy spirit is described
5:56in scripture we don’t even know how to pray properly for the things that we ought to do so you know what the Holy
6:01Spirit does the holy spirit says let me help you out here and the Holy Spirit helps us praise for us and things of
6:08this nature so Christ tells us that the helper is going to come in the charismatic and Pentecostal churches and
6:14in the New Apostolic Reformation the holy spirit is not the helper the holy spirit is the focus the
6:21holy spirit is the one that everybody is focusing in on to the point where you
6:26wonder is that really the holy spirit because this Holy Spirit seems to be all about garnering attention and glory for
6:33himself yet Christ says that the helper when he comes he’s going to be a helper he proceeds from the father and he will
6:40bear witness about who Christ so you back in the day when I was
6:47in seminary and I also remember hearing this when I was in uh at Concordia University a proper understanding of the
6:53holy spirit is a good way to think about it not only is he a Helper but he’s obsessed with telling you
7:00about Jesus bearing witness about Christ
7:06and you’ll note that we are as as Christ’s disciples called to also bear
7:12witness about Christ to speak the truth in fact the holy spirit is described as
7:17what the spirit of Truth here have you noticed that the charismatic Pentecostal churches are not really known for
7:23trafficking in truth they are known for trafficking in baldface lies huge
7:29misunderstandings of scripture and FL Flatout rank scripture twisting I would
7:36note that I’ve got a sermon review coming up on fighting for the faith
7:41where I’m going to be covering a sermon by Bill Johnson of bethl church in Reading California where he legitimately
7:47argues that if you do not perform Miracles you are disobeying Christ and
7:54Christ will say to you on the last day depart from me I never knew you
7:59now that’s that’s that that that’s not to put pressure on you but I I assure you I have never once performed a single
8:05miracle and this doesn’t count all as miraculous as that is it doesn’t count
8:11I’ve never performed a miracle should I assume that I am therefore doomed to hell that doesn’t sound like the spirit
8:18of truth to me so what I thought I would do you’ll note that at at the beginning
8:23of chapter 16 Jesus says these words I have said these things to you to keep you from falling away Christ knows full
8:29well what the apostles are going to be facing after his Ascension into heaven so they will put you out of the
8:34synagogues indeed the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think that he’s offering a service to God and they
8:40will do these things because they have not known the father nor have they known me but I said these things to you so
8:47that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you Christ prepares them he says in this text I’m
8:53sending the Holy Spirit he’s going to be a helper he’s a spirit of Truth he’s going to Bear witness about me and by
8:58the way all of this I’m telling you so that you don’t fall away and I would note when you look at the immediate
9:04fulfillment of Christ’s prophecy here that he gave on Monday Thursday it’s
9:10actually quite stunning and helps us put the proper emphasis on the correct
9:16syllable if you will just bear with me a little bit here you’ll note that we don’t have Sunday school so I thought
9:21maybe we can work our way through a couple of chapters of Acts today what do you think all right I cheat roseb is
9:28always cheating got to get some more word in there in the the book of Acts chapter 3 you’ll note next Sunday
9:33Pentecost Sunday we’re going to have a focus on Acts chapter 2 but let’s look at the immediate aftermath of of uh the
9:40day of Pentecost and at the very tail end of Acts chapter 2 it says this after
9:46everyone’s baptized after Peter preaches that great sermon uh that leads to a whole bunch of people repenting and
9:52trusting in Christ and it says this of the brand new baptized Christians they
9:58devoted themselves to the apostles teaching to the fellowship and to the breaking of bread and to the prayers hm
10:06that sounds like the Divine service to me because you’ll not the Divine service here we are devoted to the apostles
10:13teaching our fellowship together the breaking of bread and the prayers isn’t
10:19that interesting it doesn’t matter if you have a nice building or not or even if you own himels if you have the
10:26apostles teaching the fellowship the breaking of bread and the prayers well you got church right and this is a very
10:33portable inexpensive model I want to make that clear and it says this awe Came Upon every soul and listen to the
10:40next words and Many Wonders and signs were being done through the
10:49apostles that’s going to be re-emphasized in Acts chapter 5 by the way but you’re going to note here who
10:56who who was primarily performing The Miracles in the earliest church it was
11:01the apostles and you’ll note when you read the book of Acts it’s pretty rare
11:06to see an ordinary Garden variety disciple of Jesus performing signs and
11:13wonders and so the text makes it clear here that it’s the apostles who were primarily performing the signs and
11:19wonders who’s doing that work Christ is through the spirit whom he sent to
11:25validate his their his message of the go gospel in the mouths of his Apostles in
11:31fact the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians makes it clear he says to the church in Corinth who was challenging his
11:37apostleship that he performed the signs of an apostle in their presence these
11:43are the signs of the Apostles validating the fact that they were sent by Christ
11:48and it is not true that ordinary Grassroots Garden variety Christians are
11:53expected by Christ to do the same if he expected us to do the same then the Holy
12:00Spirit would be working that in us and well Miracles would be as common as fish
12:05in the sea right and so we’ll know Miracles are actually kind of
12:10rare and rightfully so in our days so here’s where the text goes and listen
12:16carefully to our theme again the spirit of Truth who’s the helper who’s bearing
12:22witness about Christ see if you can see what’s happening here because this is the holy spirit working in the
12:29background uh Acts chapter 3 Peter and John were going up to the temple at The Hour of Prayer the ninth hour and a man
12:36who was lame from birth was being carried whom they laid daily at the Gate of the temple that is called the
12:42beautiful gate to ask arms of those entering the temple at the conclusion of this of this portion of the text we’re
12:49going to hear that this fellow was more than 40 years old now it’s a little bit annoying to say that because one of the
12:55things I’ve noticed in scripture especially in the New Testament when it talks about people over 40 years old it
13:01talks about them in such terms as if somehow they’re really old and ancient well I just turned 56 I mean I’m wonder
13:07if I should start looking at a nursing home at this point according to the biblical way describes age but that’s
13:13that’s a whole other point but you’ll note he’s more than 40 years old and that being the case he was laid daily at
13:21the beautiful gate of the temple which means this Jesus saw this
13:26guy every time he went into the temple and you know what Jesus never healed
13:33him until until this takes place keep this in mind so he was laid at the at the at
13:41the beautiful gate to ask for arms of those entering the temple seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple he
13:46asked to receive arms Peter directed his gaze at him as did John and said look at
13:52us and he fixed his attention on them expecting to receive something from them but Peter said I have no silver and gold
13:59but what I do have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and
14:06walk and he took him by the right hand raised him up and immediately his feet
14:12and ankles were made strong you’ll note that throughout the scriptures Apostolic
14:19um Quality healings are well
14:25undeniable we’ll talk a little bit more about this in a minute everybody knew that a miracle had taken place this
14:30fellow who was lame from birth was able to rise up and walk and Peter took him
14:36by the right hand and raised him up his feet were and ankles were made strong and then leaping up he stood and began
14:43to walk and he entered the temple with them walking and leaping and praising
14:50God and you’ll note that this is quite the Strategic miracle if you think about it because this is a fellow who
14:56everybody going into the temple would have seen and would have been been familiar with and they had to go into the temple with some regularity as
15:03required by the Mosaic Covenant and so everybody knew who this fellow was they could they could recognize his face they
15:09knew that he was lame and there he was leaping and walking and praising God and
15:16all the people saw him walking and praising God they recognized him as the one who sat at the beautiful gate of the temple asking for arms and they were
15:23filled with wonder and amazement at what happened to him and all the Pentecostals
15:29at this point are we going to put the emphasis on this saabel oh look at this power this this is what needs to be
15:35happening in the church today and they will berate churches like our churches oh that kongsvinger Lutheran Church it’s
15:42a dead Church they don’t even have the spirit how do we know because they don’t have the the lame walking and leaping
15:48and stuff like that in their Church to which I say you don’t have it either the Miracles that you claim are
15:55happening in your church are nothing but cheap Todd parlor tricks it’s completely deniable
16:03that you’re even experiencing the miraculous I do find it fascinating that
16:08Bill Johnson at least is honest enough to say that he’s not good at
16:15this but that’s a whole other story so is this where we should put the emphasis
16:21on this cabble no because you’ll note that the holy spirit is the one who
16:27worked for the purpose of this man healing why to draw attention to the
16:33apostles and the message that they are going to speak and who is Peter going to preach about is he going to sit there
16:39and go did you see that Miracle would you like to have miracles in your life you can have your best life now the holy
16:45spirit’s looking for people who are willing to invite him in be baptized in the holy spirit so that they too can
16:51experience perfect health is that his message nope what’s he going to be
16:57preaching Christ and him crucified for our sins
17:03and I would note here in the next chapter we’re going to see very clearly a little aside in the text that makes it
17:10clear to us how Peter is able to preach with such boldness the message that he
17:16preaches and if you think it has something to do with the Holy Spirit you’d be right so listen to what follows
17:22next and this is where we put the emphasis while he this man now formerly
17:28lame CL to Peter and John all the people were utterly astounded they ran together
17:33to them to the portical called Solomon and when Peter saw it he addressed the
17:38people here’s where the real Miracle takes place men of Israel why do you
17:44wonder at this or why do you stare at us as though by our own power or piy we
17:50have made him walk Peter makes it very clear it’s not by his own power or by
17:56his piety that this man received the miss Miracle instead he gives the proper credit where the credit is due the god
18:03of Abraham the god of Isaac the god of Jacob the god of our fathers he’s
18:08glorified his servant Jesus whom you delivered over and denied in the
18:13presence of pilate when he had decided to release him but you you denied the
18:19Holy One the righteous one and asked for a murderer to be granted to you and you killed the author of
18:27life well that doesn’t make me feel very good about myself I could see this if
18:32Peter were preaching this today oh social media would be a buzz and people
18:38would be criticizing him on this ground look at what he is doing there are
18:43people in the crowd there they weren’t even there on Friday morning when Jesus was on trial and he’s making them guilty
18:50of murdering Jesus how arbitrary how capricious how unjust the he’s making
18:57slanderous false es against these people and putting Jesus’s blood on them when they weren’t even there they were
19:03sleeping in on Friday you know I’m right okay so
19:11because that’s how social media Works they always look for that tiny little thing where they can undo the preaching
19:18of Truth let me ask you this since this is written for us in scripture and
19:24scripture all scripture according to the Apostle Paul who wrote Under the inspiration of the the Holy Spirit he
19:29says all scripture is theas it’s God breathed why would God the Holy Spirit
19:36give words like this to Peter that are then recorded here in the scriptures
19:42where Peter is just arbitrarily accusing everybody of being guilty of Killing
19:47Jesus because by implication if what he’s saying is true that would mean I’m
19:53guilty of murdering the author of life
19:59that’s the point by his arbitrary very broad brush that he is
20:07painting with you’ll note then that when you go back into the Good Friday texts and you
20:15read of the crowd calling for the release of barabus and them saying crucify Christ
20:24and pilate saying why what evil has he done and they saying crucify him and he
20:30said well his blood be on you and they responded well his blood be on us and on our
20:36children that that crowd is our representative in the same way that Adam
20:44was our representative what they spoke they spoke for
20:49us that means that I as well as you we
20:55rightfully can be condemned as those those who have killed the author of
21:01life we are the ones who asked for a murderer to be released we are the one
21:07who denied the holy and the righteous one we are the ones who asked for a murderer to be granted to us
21:15instead now little bit of a note here that would mean that we’re all guilty of the greatest murder in all of human
21:22history and we are your sins and my sins were laid on Christ but you’re going to
21:28note there’s something different about the blood of Jesus it’s not quite like the blood of faithful Abel Abel was was
21:35murdered by his brother Cain and Abel’s blood cried to God from the ground and
21:42Jesus’s blood similarly cries to God from well the base of golgatha from the
21:49foot of the cross but his blood does more to than just call out our guilt and
21:56the point is this is that Peter is not going to merely say that they are guilty of murdering Jesus the author of life
22:04and therefore they should just expect the wrath of God he knows full well that
22:09Jesus’s blood is kind of like a double-edged sword it cuts in two different directions if you would
22:16Jesus’s blood truly does condemn those who persist in sin and unbelief and
22:21every human being is guilty of the murder of Christ indeed Christ’s blood does condemn but for those who through
22:30the power of the Holy Spirit through the gospel preached to them are granted
22:35repentance and Faith from the Holy Spirit Christ’s blood no longer condemns
22:42them it is Christ’s blood that washes away their iniquity and their guilt and
22:47their sin your sin and my sin has been washed away by the blood of Christ and
22:53it is his blood that is the active detergent that has take our taken our filthy y clothes and made them white in
23:02his blood and so you’ll note that Peter here in preaching starts off with some
23:07pretty heavy law so heavy that it crushes and it’s designed to do that
23:13crushes any inkling of self-righteousness crushes any pretense of innocence and instead makes everybody
23:21guilty of murdering the author of life but then he says these words but God
23:27raised him from the the dead to this we Are Witnesses and His Name by faith in
23:33his name in Jesus he has made this man strong whom you see and know and faith
23:39that is through Jesus has given this man this perfect health in the presence of
23:45you all and now Brothers I know that you acted at ignorance as did also your
23:50rulers but what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets that his Christ would suffer he thus fulfilled so
23:58repent therefore turn back so that your sins may be blotted out that times of
24:05refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord and that he may send the Christ appointed for you Jesus whom Heaven Must
24:12receive until the time for restoring of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of the Holy prophets long ago and
24:20there it is the call to repent the call to turn from your sins and the promise that their sins would be
24:27blotted out for the sake of the one that they murdered for the sake of Jesus
24:33Christ who bled and died in their place on the cross so that times of refreshing
24:38may come from God God does not wish for you to experience the torment of Hell
24:43everybody who ends up in Hell ends up there by their own will keep that in
24:48mind God does not will for anybody to be in Hell instead he in he Wills that
24:54times of refreshing may come through the gospel the good news that we’ve been Recon iled to God that the hostilities
25:00are over and that Christ himself has made peace with God through his blood so
25:07that the times of refreshing may come beginning with the times of forgiveness and mercy and Grace and peace that comes
25:14from the gospel and culminating in the con in the consummation of time when we
25:20will experience the refreshing Sabbath rest of the new Earth in a World Without End all of this from God who who’s Peter
25:29preaching about again Christ and the Holy Spirit is
25:34empowering him to do so giving him the strength to do it he then continues Moses said the Lord will raise up for
25:42you a prophet like me uh from your brothers and you shall
25:47listen to him in whatever he tells you and it shall be that every soul who does not listen to that Prophet shall be
25:54destroyed from the people and all the prophets who have spoken from Samuel and
25:59those who came after him also proclaimed these days you’ll note that the words of Revelation come ringing in here
26:06Revelation says the spirit of the the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy the testimony of Jesus is the
26:13spirit of Prophecy and here the Apostle Peter affirms that from Moses all the
26:18way through all the Old Testament prophets they were prophesying about who
26:23Christ and who was it that empowered them to to prophesy about the future
26:29coming Messiah it was none other than the Holy Spirit who inspired their words and carried them along and gave them
26:35those words and so he says then you are the sons of the prophets and of the Covenant that God made with your father saying to Abraham and to your Offspring
26:42shall the families of the earth be blessed so God having raised up his servant sent him first to you to bless
26:48you by turning every one of you from your
26:53wickedness Zing what a sermon and that little bit bit of a note
26:59here I am a sermonator I know what it means to put a sermon together I’m not
27:05didn’t say Terminator Okay I a sermonator I do this for a living and I
27:11can tell you a lot of prep goes into a sermon you have to study the text you
27:16have to translate the text you have to ask yourself the question what does my what does the audience what does the
27:21congregation need to hear how am I going to weave the gospel into this what is this text saying how do I make sure I
27:27rightly handle it and there’s a lot of prep that goes into this Peter off the
27:34cuff with no sermon prep at all it’s a grand slam home
27:41run and I look at this as a sermonator and go dang how’d he do that
27:48right the answer is he did it through the helper the Holy Spirit was helping
27:56him that’s how he was able able to nail that landing and score the perfect 10
28:02hit the Grand Slam with that home with that home run you get the idea well
28:07remember this Christ prophesied in the gospel text for today he said this he
28:14says I have said these things to you to keep you from falling away they will put you out of the synagogue indeed the hour
28:20is coming when whoever kills you will think that he’s offering a service to God and they will do these things
28:26because they have not known the father father nor have they known me so chapter
28:314 then no good deed going unpunished begins with these words as they were
28:36speaking to the people the priest and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees Came Upon them greatly annoyed
28:44because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the
28:52dead do you see the cognitive dissonance at this point you’ll Note I used the
28:58metaphor last week that we are all snake bit and the Venom of the serpent runs through Us in fact it’s the Venom of the
29:05serpent that’s running through these people that are causing them to be so blind to what’s really going on here I
29:11mean just step back for a second a guy lay from birth over 40 which means he’s ancient he has just been healed and
29:18leaping and praising God and all the people are praising God and you’re annoyed because this this healing took
29:25place in the name of Jesus and they were preaching Christ him crucified the Forgiveness of sins and promising people
29:31to be raised from the dead on the last day by belief in Jesus you’re annoyed by this the miracle speaks for itself
29:38doesn’t it right but they were greatly annoyed the text says so they arrested them and
29:47the them here is going to include Peter and John and the fellow who was
29:54healed no no no no enough of this all of you are you you three in prison for you
29:59for the night does any of that make any sense to you and my question is where did
30:05churchmen get this authority to arrest people okay H how how can there be such
30:10a confusing of the right and the leftand Kingdom right we don’t have a Brig here at Kong’s finger you know you know just
30:17just saying okay not for children and not for adults we have to make that clear you know but all right so they put
30:25them in custody until the next day for it was already evening but many of those listen to this many of those who had
30:32heard the word believed and the number of men came to about
30:375,000 that little note in verse 4 of chapter 4 is not a little note faith
30:43comes by hearing hearing by the word of Christ God the Holy Spirit promises to
30:48be active with the preaching of the gospel and the gospel is the good news that Christ bled and died for our sins
30:55and he will forgive everyone who believes in in him so note here the Holy
31:00Spirit was quite active that day so that now the number of people at church and
31:06there’s only one congregation at this point has more than 5,000 men how many
31:11women how many children are part of this this is like a ginormous mega church
31:17right which is going to have problems of its own but that’s for other chapters and so on the next day their
31:24rulers and their elders and their scribes gathered together in Jerusalem
31:30another impromptu Church council meeting okay and so with Annis the high priest
31:36and Caiaphas and John and Alexander and all who were the high Priestly family and when they set themselves in the
31:41midst they inquired and here’s the first question out of their mouths for this
31:46interrogation by what power or what name did you do
31:54this what a question we’re now referring to the healing of a
32:00lame man as this it’s not a safe question is it but
32:06listen to the next words the opening of verse eight then Peter filled with the
32:13Holy Spirit if you listen to today’s modern charismatics when you hear the
32:19words filled with the Holy Spirit the next word should be then fell on the ground slain in the spirit started
32:24barking like a dog you know you know meowing like a cat and behaving like a chicken and all the people were amazed
32:31at how drunk he was in the spirit he began speaking in gibberish
32:37and you can hear him crying at the top of his lungs could have B A Hundai should have B AIA right that’s what
32:44happens when people are filled with the spirit right no Jesus said when the helper
32:51comes he the spirit of truth will bear witness about me
32:58so let’s see what Peter does with this immediate filling of the Holy Spirit
33:04Peter filled with the spirit said to them rulers of the people and Elders if we’re being examined today concerning a
33:11good deed done to a crippled Man by what means this man has been healed well then let it be known to all of you and to all
33:18the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified whom God raised from the dead
33:25by him this man is standing before you well Zing
33:35wow total un he’s unafraid he’s this is
33:40courage and boldness that is like rare in humanity these are the people who can put Peter to death these are the people
33:47that Peter was afraid of right on the night that Jesus was betrayed so much so that a girl a
33:55servant girl aren’t you also with the Nazarene I never knew the man never knew him what
34:01are you talking about right this same Peter filled with the Holy Spirit is now
34:07preaching with such boldness that he has properly laid the murder of Christ at
34:12the feet of those who conspired to kill him and it says whom you crucified he’s it’s by his name this man
34:20has been healed but God raised him from the dead and by Jesus this man is standing before you well this Jesus is
34:28the stone that was rejected by you the builders which has become the Cornerstone and there is salvation in no
34:35one else for there is no other name under Heaven given am among men by which we must be
34:45saved I mean this puts Martin Luther’s here I stand speech to shame I’ll be
34:51blunt you know as wonderful as that was this one is way above that and listen to
34:59these words Peter filled with the Holy Spirit the scripture says is the holy spirit pointing people to the Holy
35:05Spirit the holy spirit is pointing people to Jesus and on top of that he makes this very bold and Politically
35:11Incorrect statement there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name under Heaven given among men by
35:18which we must be saved and I can hear all the blue haired feminist woke type
35:23sitting there going are you saying that that my Buddhist neighbor and my Muslim
35:29friends they’re not going to heaven unless they believe in Jesus no I didn’t say that God the holy spirit said it
35:36through Peter and he’s right he’s the spirit of Truth so your Buddhist neighbor and your Muslim friend need to
35:41repent and believe in Jesus how dare you you close-minded
35:48bigot right this is an offensive
35:54statement but Jesus said the holy spirit is the Spirit of
35:59Truth these words are true there is salvation in no one else there is no
36:07other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved Buddha will
36:13not save you Allah cannot save you Shiva and Vishnu are demonic
36:21delusions Athena Zeus dionis especially dionis and all the false gods of Egypt
36:28are just just that they’re false gods they cannot and will not save you and belief and Trust in them will be in vain
36:37there is salvation only in Christ well don’t you think in the 21st
36:43century we can be a little bit more open-minded and just seek to coexist no
36:49the holy spirit is the spirit of Truth and Peter here was speaking by the power of the Holy
36:55Spirit now when they saw the boldness of Peter and you’re going to note what
37:01Peter is preaching here it hits with the people he is speaking to when they saw
37:07the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated common men they were astonished a good
37:14way to think about it is Galilean were kind of like the ancient world’s version of rednecks all
37:21right I might as well call Peter Bubba all right but at this point that’s kind
37:27of the point Point how where where are they getting this information where is
37:32he able to preach like this and to preach with such boldness it’s stood out as
37:38miraculous right but they had recognized that they had been with Jesus but seeing
37:44the man who was healed standing beside them they had nothing to say in opposition but when they had commanded
37:51them to leave the council they conferred with one another saying what shall we do with these men for a notable sign has
37:58per been performed through them it is evident to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and we cannot deny
38:07it now let’s talk about Apostolic quality healings shall we today’s modern
38:14New Apostolic Reformation claims over and over again healings for people you know what they never produce is
38:21evidence and I mean any kind of evidence you’re just expected to take their word
38:26for it because they believe in the Holy Spirit and a great example of this was last year last
38:33year there was a conference put on by James River Church in Joplin Missouri and one of the guest attendees and
38:40speakers was Bill Johnson of bethl church in Reading California and this conference was all about modern-day
38:46signs and wonders and healings and miracles and during after like one of their major speaker sessions they had a
38:54session where everybody in the audience can come together and pray for each other pray for healing and things like
39:01this and one particular lady was there who a while back had had her toes shot
39:07off by her ex-husband with a shotgun and so on one of her feet three of her toes
39:13were missing and so what did they do they prayed for this woman and her toes
39:19and the claim is at James River Church that God caused a miracle to happen that
39:25night and in the course of 30 minutes after she was prayed for her toes had completely grown back had now had
39:33toenails on them and she had received a complete healing by God the Holy Spirit
39:38James Lindell being one of the pastors there James River Church Bill Johnson they all communicated these things Bill
39:44Johnson told the story at bethl church in Reading California however you’re going to note something here no evidence
39:51was provided to support the claim that This Woman’s toes had grown back I
39:56always like to point out out we have these things in our pockets nowadays
40:01this particular thing that I have I keep in my pocket is capable of 4K 60 video
40:09recording okay I can take photographs at 47 megapixels in raw format okay and
40:17you’re going to note I have yet to see a human being running around the planet that is over the age of 18 who doesn’t
40:23have their face in one of these things at least half the day and yet nobody thought to pull out their
40:304K video recording device and record or take a photograph of it so atheists
40:35seeing this story and this claim that This Woman’s toes had been had grown back they put up a website called show
40:42usth okay
40:48and this got some big media attention and there were some major media Outlets
40:54that covered the story basically saying hey James River Church show us the toes to which Pastor Lindell
41:01said oh these people are so cynical and skeptical no amount of evidence is good
41:06enough for them so we’re not going to show them any right well the show us the Toes
41:14website sat dormant for about the past year maybe a little bit more until this
41:21past week when a new post showed up guess who got a photograph
41:27of This Woman’s toes to show us the Toes website had
41:32they grown back had God miraculously grown those toes back were they there now do they now have toenails on them
41:40nope there is no difference between the before and the after photo none
41:47whatsoever so I have to ask the question if we’re going to put the emphasis on the proper side
41:52label why is it that the Holy Spirit of the Pentecostal movement traffics in Li
41:58and the Miracles that it claims that it’s operating in are not only cannot be
42:03validated but are easily debunked why is it that the Holy Spirit of the Pentecostal Church constantly is
42:09drawing attention to itself when Christ said that the helper that’s the Holy Spirit would testify about him why is it
42:18that the apostles never preached about the Holy Spirit the way the Pentecostals do but given every opportunity to preach
42:26every time they would open their mouth the only person that they were focused on preaching was Jesus
42:32Christ makes you wonder I can think of a different Spirit one that was created by God a
42:40spirit who’s a fallen Spirit who is all about trafficking in lies Jesus speaks
42:45of this spirit and says that when he lies he speaks his native language and this particular Spirit also is obsessed
42:52with drawing attention to himself and and he couldn’t heal a
42:58running nose with a box of Kleenex and a Yeti and a one of those Yeti pots right
43:04he couldn’t do it himself that being the case I would note something it’s nety pood I would note this I believe that
43:11the uh the the spirit that is operating in the Pentecostal churches is not the Holy Spirit I believe it’s a different Spirit
43:18a diabolical one at that you’ll note that the miracle that was performed by God through the Apostle Peter here even
43:25the opponents of Christianity couldn’t deny that it had taken place yet the
43:30Miracles that take place in the Pentecostal churches I always scratched my head and said did a miracle really
43:36happen there is that was that person really healed is there really any evidence that can substantiate this
43:41answer nope we’re dealing with a false Spirit but we’re telling the story here
43:48of these fellows so what shall we do that A great miracle has happened and we cannot deny
43:54it but the next word in verse 17 is the word but you’ll note with the words
43:59these words what shall we do with these men a notable sign has been performed through them it’s evident and we cannot
44:05deny it the next words should be we need to repent we need to let these men go
44:13and we need to start sitting under their teaching so that we can learn the truth that should be what happens next but
44:20again listen to what Jesus said in prophesying the what would take place
44:26they will put you out of the synagogues indeed the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he’s offering a
44:31service to God and they will do these things because they have not known the father nor me these people are blinded
44:40by their sin still under the influence of the Venom of Satan so the next word
44:45is after they say we can’t deny that a miracle took place their next words are but in order that this may spread no
44:52further wait what is this a bad thing how is it a bad thing so that this
44:59may spread no further we are going to warn them to
45:05speak no more to anyone in Jesus’s
45:10name that’s not going to work right so they called them and they charged them
45:17not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus but Peter and John answered
45:23well whether it’s right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God you must judge for we cannot but speak
45:30of what we have seen and what we have heard and when they had further threatened them they let them go finding
45:37no way to punish them because the people for all were praising God for what it
45:43happened for the man on whom the sign of healing was performed was more than 40
45:48years old what an annoying text right there right I am greatly
45:55annoyed but we continue now in the face of these threats you
46:03cannot ever preach in the name of Jesus anymore this must come to a
46:10stop the disciples know full well they are in Mortal danger these are the same
46:16people who crucified Christ so what happens next also is a fulfillment of
46:22what Christ says in Our Gospel text and we should pay attention cuz watch watch where the Holy Spirit shows up and what
46:29the Holy Spirit does so when they were released they went to their friends they
46:34reported what the chief priests and the elders had said to them and when they heard it they lifted up their voice
46:40together to God and so they pray and you’re going to note here they don’t decree they don’t declare today’s modern
46:47Nar types would say something like this we decree and declare against the spirit of Leviathan that somehow taking over
46:54the synagogues and the and we tear you down Satan covid-19 you know this is how
47:00they would talk right but here listen to this prayer it’s a wonderful
47:07one so they lifted up their voices together to God and they said Sovereign Lord who made the heaven in the earth
47:14and the Sea and everything in them who through the mouth of Our Father David your servant said by the Holy Spirit why
47:22do the Nations rage and the people’s plot in vain the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers were gathered
47:28together against the Lord and against his Messiah for truly in the city there were gathered together against your holy
47:34servant Jesus whom you anointed both Herod and pontious pilate along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel to do
47:41whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place and now Lord
47:47look upon their threats and Grant to your servants to continue to speak your
47:54word with all boldness they ask
47:59God please grant that we can continue to speak your word with all boldness while
48:06you God stretch out your hand to heal and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant
48:13Jesus and when they had prayed the place in which they were gathered together was
48:19shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they continued to speak
48:26the the word of God with
48:31boldness and now we can see it we can put the proper emphasis on the correct
48:37syllable we do not need to a the holy spirit is our helper he helps us he is
48:44the one who Bears the fruit of the spirit within us he is the one who empowers us to speak the gospel with
48:51boldness he is the one who gives us the strength to Proclaim Christ in him
48:56crucified for our sins he is the one who is active when all when his word is
49:04properly handled and Christ is exalted and glorified so brothers and sisters
49:09let us repent of not having a proper focus and putting the wrong emphasis on
49:16the work of the Holy Spirit may we see and embrace what Christ has done he is
49:21properly and truly sent to us his Spirit the Holy Spirit who now in indwells each
49:27and every one of us who gives us strength Comforts us with the gospel
49:32convicts us of our sin and even prays for us in ways that we don’t even know
49:38that we need to be praying for ourselves and let us thank God that he’s
49:43not the spirit who causes us to fall over drunk but instead the holy spirit is the one who gives us a sober-minded
49:50understanding of our own sin and the great Mercy that we have in Christ he is not the one who causes us to speak
49:57gibberish but instead speak with boldness and confidence the sound words of sound Doctrine and the good news that
50:05Christ has bled and died for our sins let us thank Jesus for this great gift
50:10of this Helper and let us not be afraid of the true Holy Spirit but let us ever
50:15be thankful for the great gift that Christ has given us in sending him the one who predes from the father as well
50:21as the son in the name of Jesus Amen
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